


How DYNED changes my life?

发布时间: 2020-12-29 08:01 发布单位: 寿光市东城新区实验小 浏览量: 365 【公开】

How DYNED changes my life?

I will not begin my speech with the expression “How time flies!” because during the past seven months, I have once again experienced how I had felt about time beingas a child. Time is still. It really is, especially when you spend the whole afternoon on the courseware but it shows that you have just studied for less than an hour. That’s unscientific.

But wait a minute! When you do any other things, except for studying the courseware, you can feel time is slipping away. For more than half a year, I don’t go shopping for clothes (I haven’t gone clothes shopping?). Because that’s luxurious, I mean both the price and time. When I shop for grocery, i make a shopping list ahead, and when I am there, I run. I even can hear the ticking of a clock(clock ticking). I think I am wasting time. If I am studying instead of shopping , my learning time will be longer.

During the whole summer holiday, I only watched one play, one English play, neither Downton Abbey,nor Sherlock Holmes, but The Lost Secret. When I see Dr. Seins, I want to punch him. And when I see Dr. Orwell, I wonder why the director only gave the hero one costume.

I used to have a nightmare like I was lost, I couldn’t find my baby, etc. but since I began to study DYNED, I only had one nightmare---I studied off-line, and I forgot to log in again on the same computer, the time didn’t count.

I become easier to be happy. I thought praises were for children, but I am wrong. When I hear ,”excellent, you did very well.” I am hilarious(thrilled).

I am not a video game player. But when my score becomes 12, I guess I can feel the same way as a Dota player. Yes, I am addicted to Dyned.

After being a teacher for 15 years, I become a student again. That’s magical. Suddenly I have homework again, peer pressure, the tension before the tests, debates, discussions. But the fact is I enjoy every minute being a student. In the next five months I will work harder with the help of the courseware, Susan , Chris and you, my dear classmates. Because I know not everyone has a second chance to be a student.




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