


Love Can Change Everything

发布时间: 2020-12-29 08:08 发布单位: 寿光市东城新区实验小 浏览量: 385 【公开】

Love Can Change Everything

-------Reading after Beauty and the Beast

During the winter holiday, I read a book Beauty and the Beast. At first, I was attracted by the name. As a girl, I always love the beauty. I am curious about the beast. After reading the book, I find I feel a pity about the beast. Although he is very ugly, he has a kind heart. At last, a miracle happens because of love.

At the very beginning, there was a prince who was very rude. He was so selfish that he never thought about the feelings of someone else. To punish him, a mage changed him into a beast. He told the prince he could be saved if a girl fell in love with him. He realized his fault and helped others from then on. One day, a jeweler lost his way. He was saved by the beast. The beast told him that he wanted to marry to his daughter as a reward. The jeweler had five daughters, but when he asked them who wanted to marry the beast, they all didn’t talk. At last, his youngest daughter, Bell, wanted to do that. When she saw the beast for the first time, she was very scared. But to her surprised, the beast was very kind to her. He took good care of her. Day by day, Bell thought the beast was a kind man. But one day, Bell wanted to go home to see her father. When she said to the beast, he was very sad. He asked her to go back in five days. Bell agreed. Bell went home and was very happy to see her father and her sisters. Five days passed, Bell forgot the date. She had a strange dream. In the dream, the beast was seriously ill. Bell went back quickly. She saw the beast lying in the bed. At that time, she felt she had fallen in love with the beast, so she kissed him. Then, a miracle happened, the beast changed into a handsome prince. They married and lived a happy life forever.

The prince is handsome, but he is very rude, so no one likes him. The beast is ugly, but he is kind, so a girl loves him. So, a person’s appearance isn’t so important. If you have a beautiful heart, you can receive many things including love. Love can change everything, so please love others.





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